Soni Cheng (GDJYB) and HOCC at Clockenflap. Photo by Vic Shing (
Music Surveillance

Here’s a live clip, (multi-camera shot, maybe this was recorded off tv or the live stream):

The ending of the song was slightly cut off, but the quality is so much better than the other clip I saw of the same song, the sound on this is powerful!

Haka Fongma has 6 more uploaded, I think it’s her entire set.

Keyboards: 何秉舜 Hobing|Drums: Stephane S. Wong|Bass: CM Groovy|Guitar: Soni@gdjyb|Chorus: Soft@gdjyb 


Bonus clip from HOCC’s Reimagine HK concert in August, with brother Harris Ho (Hobing) on keys, and Soni on guitar. Same YT channel as above!

Denise seems to be doing a bunch of things under the Reimagine HK umbrella, including a Christmas weekend event.

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